NHS England plans to add more diabetes incentives to the GP contract, as part of a new push for earlier diagnosis and treatment of the condition.
The commissioning body disclosed the plans today as part of its ‘Action for Diabetes’ plan, a 32-page reference sheet for the NHS drawing together all the strands of work to tackle the ‘growing problem of diabetes’.
The plan includes a pledge to bring in new tools for earlier diagnosis in primary care, as well as the launch of an online survey on diabetes care that GPs will be expected to invite patients to complete.
NHS England added that it will continue to focus on improving diabetes management, which will see GPs scrutinised on their performance not only through QOF but also through publication of practices’ achievement of diabetes checks and admissions data on the NHS Choices website.
It also said it was committed to continue the rollout of the NHS Health Checks Programme.
The document read: ‘Over the next few years we will continue to develop the GP contract and incentives to help identify those at risk, earlier diagnosis and incentivising active management of risk factors identified in NHS Health Checks, wherever they took place.’
It added: ‘NHS Improving Quality is working with primary care services to trial and roll out case-finding and decision-support tools in primary care to support earlier diagnosis across a range of conditions including diabetes.’
Click here to read the full document
Dr Jonathan Valabhji, national clinical director for obesity and diabetes at NHS England, said: ‘The UK was recently show to have the lowest rates of early death due to diabetes out of 19 comparable countries, however, there is much more we can do to reduce the numbers of people getting type 2 diabetes and to improve the care that all people with diabetes receive.
‘In the future, we want to see fewer people developing type 2 diabetes, and we want to see all people with diabetes having the support to manage their condition, with access to specialist care when they need it.’
Are you up to date on CVD and diabetes?
The first of a new series of 2014 Pulse clinical seminars takes place on 20 March in Birmingham and will give you practical take-home tips on diagnosis and management of heart disease and diabetes. Click here for more information and to register. This one-day event is worth a suggested 6 CPD hours.
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