GP locums in England are able to register for an NHSmail account, starting today.
NHS Digital, the BMA and the National Association of Sessional GPs (NASGP) have been working together to make it possible for all locums to have an NHS email account.
For locum GPs it has been difficult to obtain access to the system unless an organisation such as a practice or a CCG has been willing to be their host organisation.
Dr Krishan Aggarwal of the BMA sessional GP committee said: ‘This has been a very long time coming and it’s an important recognition of the value and the contribution that locums provide to the GP workforce.
‘It allows GPs to be able to access information both locally, regionally and nationally, so they can feel part of the workforce.’
Without an account, locum GPs can miss out on important information, which Dr Aggarwal said was particularly pertinent at the moment with locums unable to access updates on coronavirus.
And Dr Aggarwal explained that for out-of-hours locums, NHSmail is an essential way of sharing patient identifiable and sensitive information with a practice.
He told Pulse: ‘NHS mail allows [GP locums] that security that they can share that information, that will help patient care in a safe way. It’s fantastic news, I’m really happy and pleased that we’ve been able to achieve this.’
Locums can sign up to NHSmail here