This module offers advice on showing CQC inspectors that your practice is safe, including:
- What evidence to present
- How to prepare for the inspection
- What documents to file
After reading these articles you will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:
- Are you familiar with the CQC Provider Handbook, and, in particular, the Key Lines of Enquiry?
- Do you have ‘visual’ evidence of relevant policies, procedures, meetings, risk assessments and so on? Do all relevant parties know how to access these?
- Do all relevant staff have a DBS check in place?
- Do you have a designated vulnerable adult safeguarding lead? Is everyone aware who this is?
- Consider a walk around your surgery with an impartial observer, focusing especially on the reception area. What safety issues are apparent?
- Do you have an incident log? Is it accessible and up-to-date?