The BMA has given NHS managers a deadline of the end of December to resolve the problems with Capita, or face potential legal action, Pulse has learned.
In a meeting with NHS England yesterday, negotiators from the BMA’s GP Committee issued the ultimatum – warning that it would consider ‘all options’ if the problems aren’t resolved by the end of the year.
It comes as local leaders voted for NHS England to remove the contract from Capita.
GPs reported a huge number of problems when Capita rolled out its support services early last year, including patient records going missing and problems with payments and putting GPs on the performers’ list.
Capita has said that these problems are being cleared up, stating this month that the company has been ‘improving the service and that has been recognised by NHS England’.
A survey it conducted this year also claimed that 58% of respondents from general practice, pharmacy, optometry and dentistry said they were satisfied overall with the support they received.
However, GP leaders said that there were ‘no meaningful improvements to the service’.
The GPC this month sent a letter to NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens detailing the continued problems with the practice support services, including delays in paying trainees, registering and removing patients and problems with dealing with pension contributions.
Speaking to Pulse, GPC negotiator Dr Krishna Kasaraneni said: ’We met with NHS England yesterday. We told them they have until the end of December to resolve all issues with Capita.
’The mood of the profession is clear. If all issues are not resolved, we’ll be looking at all options.’
When asked whether this would include legal action, Dr Kasaraneni replied: ‘It will include looking at all options.’