NHS England will ban GPs from prescribing over-the-counter medicines for 34 self-limiting conditions under proposals to be released in the new year.
Under the new proposals, GPs will be unable to prescribe over-the-counter medicines, including paracetamol, for self-limiting conditions.
NHS England today said it will release a full consultation on restricting OTC prescribing in the new year in a bid to save money, specifically targeting treatments that are cheaper for patients to buy than the NHS.
The 34 conditions include cough and colds, infant colic, mild migraine, malaria prevention and haemorrhoids.
The consultation will also look at the prescribing of probiotics and vitamins and minerals.
At the same time, NHS England released guidance for CCGs on restricting prescribing of 18 medicines that it had previously identified in a consultation earlier this year, which its board approved with few changes.
As a result, NHS England has given CCGs guidance on implementing the changes.
The new consultation is focused on OTC medications that can be purchased by the patient at a lower cost than the NHS pays, treats conditions that are self-limited and could be managed by self care.
As an example, NHS England said: ‘Paracetamol is an average of four times as expensive when provided on prescription by the NHS, compared to when it is purchased in pharmacies or supermarkets. It can costs around £34 for 32 on prescription including dispensing and GP consultation fees.’
It says that it will consider each of the conditions (see box), and decide which treatments should not be routinely offered in primary care.
The NHS England statement says: ‘GPs issued 1.1 billion prescription items at a cost of £9.2 billion in 2015/16. The vast majority were appropriate but many were for medicines, products or treatments that do not require a prescription and can be purchased over the counter from pharmacies, supermarkets, petrol stations, corner shops or other retailers in some cases at a much lower cost than the price paid by the NHS.
‘The NHS could save around £190m a year by cutting such prescriptions for minor, short-term conditions, many of which will cure themselves or cause no long term effect on health.’
The BMA GP Committee’s prescribing lead Dr Andrew Green said: ’The BMA believes it is important for patients to be encouraged to self-care wherever possible, as this is in their own interests as well as those of the wider population. Most GPs already encourage patients to purchase items over-the-counter where appropriate and this will continue. However, where a GP has judged the patient to have a need for a drug, there remains a contractual obligation to offer a prescription which must be honoured.
’We have already expressed our concerns about the impact of these proposals on vulnerable people, and the recognition that there are circumstances where prescribing is appropriate is welcomed, although without legislative change there remains the potential for GPs to be placed in difficult situations. Where this happens GPs must make the care of their patient their first concern.’
Indicative conditions or items for which prescribing could be restricted
1. Probiotics
2. Vitamins and minerals
3. Acute Sore Throat
4. Cold Sores
5. Conjunctivitis
6. Coughs and colds and nasal congestion
7. Cradle Cap (Seborrhoeic dermatitis – infants)
8. Haemorrhoids
9. Infant Colic
10.Contact Dermatitis
13.Dry Eyes/Sore (tired) Eyes
15.Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
16.Indigestion and Heartburn
17.Insect bites and stings
18.Malaria prevention
19.Mild Acne
20.Mild Dry Skin/Sunburn
21.Mild to Moderate Hay fever/Allergic Rhinitis
22.Mild Migraine
23.Minor burns and scalds
24.Minor conditions associated with pain, discomfort and/fever. (eg aches and sprains, headache, period pain, back pain)
25.Mouth ulcers
26.Nappy Rash
27.Oral Thrush
28.Prevention of dental caries
29.Ringworm/Athletes foot
30.Scabies/ Head Lice
31.Simple Constipation
32.Teething/Mild toothache
34.Travel Sickness
35.Vaginal Thrush
36.Warts and Verrucae
Source: NHS England board paper
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