The list of 60 nominees for BMA Council includes 17 GPs including a former GPC chair, two GPC negotiators and the former chair of the RCGP, the BMA has announced today.
The candidates are competing for 18 of the four-year voting seats on council and, although there are no limits on the number of GPs chosen, each of the ten ‘crafts’ must be represented.
The nominees include former RCGP chair Professor Clare Gerada, GPC deputy chair Dr Richard Vautrey and former GPC chair Dr John Chisholm.
Other nominees include RCGP Council member Dr Una Coales, fomer chair of Welsh GPC Dr David Bailey, chair of Tower Hamlets CCG Dr Sam Everington and chair of the GPC GP trainees subcommittee Dr Krishna Kasaraneni.
Two of the GPC negotiation team are standing – Dr Vautrey and Dr Dean Marshall. Dr Chandra Kanneganti and Dr David Wrigley from the GPC are running also.
Also standing are Dr Gurdave Gill, Dr Farah Jameel, Dr Phil McCarthy, Dr Andrew Mowat, Dr Sundar Thavapalasundaram and Dr Kalindi Krishna Tumurugoti.
Candidates’ messages
Dr David Bailey
Support the NHS and professional standards but remember we are a trade union and must support our members.
Dr John Chisholm
Determined to secure a high-quality equitable NHS free at the point of use, improve public policy, promote professionalism, develop ethics.
Dr Una Coales
We must stop turning general practice into a 7-day AQP service of underpaid salaried GP’s. BMA must have doctors’ backs!
Dr Sam Everington
I will champion the NHS and campaign to ensure no doctor faces discrimination in their career.
Professor Clare Gerada
Now more than ever the profession needs strong leaders. I am a strong leader. I will stand up for doctors
Dr Gurdave Gill
Fundamentally opposed to privatisation. I have actively campaigned in south east London to defend doctors conditions and patients interests.
Dr Farah Jameel
Outraged by government, media and public perception of the NHS. Priorities: Preserve NHS; GP recruitment and retention; Truly diverse BMA.
Dr Chandra Kanneganti
Unique combination of experience, skills, passion, youth representing whole spectrum of doctors’ concerns in these challenging times. Please support me.
Dr Krishna Kasaraneni
Vote for me to fight the constant belligerent attacks on our profession and for a fairer and stronger Council.
Dr Dean Marshall
Experienced and highly effective at representing the views of all doctors. Support me to continue the fight on your behalf.
Dr Phil McCarthy
With NHS commitment, leadership, critical thinking and ethical expertise, I will work for a revitalised profession and better patient care
Dr Andrew Mowat
Support students and doctors in difficulty; build a workforce fit for the future: support BMA locally in Divisions and Regions.
Dr Sundar Thavapalasundaram
Listening to you. Speaking out for you. Leading change with you, on issues that matter to you on the frontline.
Dr Kalindi Krishna Tumurugoti
I am a sessional GP in Nottingham and am young blood with experience on Trent Regional Junior Doctors’ Committee, UK Junior Doctors’ Committee, GP Trainees’ Sub Committee, East Midlands Regional Council, Nottinghamshire LMC, RCGP AIT Committee.
Dr Richard Vautrey
As GPC Deputy Chair and Council member I defend and promote doctors and our profession. I will work for you.
Dr David Wrigley
The NHS and doctors are being attacked every day and I guarantee I will defend both in BMA Council.