The UK’s new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has pledged to reduce GP waiting times and ‘fix the crisis’ in social care ‘once and for all’ in his first speech in the job.
The Conservative MP and former foreign secretary announced a series of priorities for his leadership, including reducing appointment waiting times and investing in secondary care.
Speaking outside Downing Street, Mr Johnson, said: ‘My job is to make sure you don’t have to wait three weeks to see your GP and we start work this week with 20 new hospital upgrades and ensuring that the money in the NHS really does get to the front line.’
He added his commitment to fixing the cost of social care for ‘once and for all’.
He said: ‘My job is to protect you, or your parents, or your grandparents from the fear of having to sell your home to pay for the costs of care. So, I am announcing now, on the steps of Downing Street that we will fix the crisis in social care once and for all with a clear plan we have prepared to give every older person the dignity and security they deserve.’
It comes after a 15% increase in patients waiting a month for a GP appointment, according to a BMA report.
Recent official data showed that 5% of patients have to wait for a month to see their GP.