Former RCGP chair Professor Steve Field has been appointed deputy national medical director at the NHS Commissioning Board.
The appointment - announced today - will mean Professor Field will have responsibility for reducing health inequalities in the NHS.
Professor Field is currently chairing a review of the NHS Constitution as part of his work on the Government's NHS Future Forum, which conducted the listening exercise on the Health and Social Care Bill last year.
He still works as GP in inner city Birmingham and is also chair of the Department of Health's National Inclusion Board, whose remit is to tackle inequalities.
Professor Keith Willetts, currently the trauma care tsar at the Department of Health was also appointed to the role of director for acute episodes of care at the NHS Commissioning Board, where he will lead work that helps the NHS to support people to recover as quickly as possible from illness or injury.
Commenting on the new appointments, Sir Bruce Keogh, national medical director at the NHS Commissioning Board Authority, said: ‘I am delighted that we have been able to secure these two high-calibre appointments.
'Both have a strong track record of leadership and innovation which will be of enormous benefit to the NHS in England.'