The ‘goodwill of doctors has kept the NHS afloat, but this won’t continue for much longer, chair of the BMA Dr Chaand Nagpaul will say in his final speech as leader.
Dr Nagpaul, a GP in north London, will tell delegates at the BMA’s annual representatives meeting (ARM) that the Government failed in its duty of care to doctors throughout the pandemic.
Despite this, the medical profession has ‘unstintingly fulfilled our duty of care for our patients with integrity and professionalism’, he is set to say.
However, he will tell ARM delegates: ‘Doctors are utterly exhausted. Their well-being rock bottom with 40% suffering from depression, anxiety or burnout. And with one hundred thousand NHS vacancies unfilled, we’re at serious risk of haemorrhaging further doctors as half say they are now more likely to take early retirement and 7 in 10 are more likely to work fewer hours due to burnout.
‘You cannot run an NHS by exploiting a well of goodwill which has totally run dry. Doctors will, and are, walking away.’
Dr Nagpaul will also discuss racism in medicine, saying that it is ‘not only wrecking doctors’ lives, but it’s damaging patient care and threatening services with ethnic minority doctors leaving, falling sick and unable to function normally’.
As I always wrote :
This government needs us more than we need them.
Sadly , this is now even more true than ever .
And our goodwill toward the BMA?
Yet more platitudes from the BMA.
They need to actually grow a pair, stand up and do something constructive !
Dry. More like arid.
The revolving door of faecal overload. And it’s not even seasonal affective time. Arid. Desolate. And quite frankly pi**ed off.
goodwill disappeared when ken clarke made his famous “rivers of blood” speech about “doctors reaching nervously for their wallets”
i hope he’s proud of himself.