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New centre for commissioning announced

By Ian Quinn

The RCGP has revealed plans to develop a new centre to train GPs to run commissioning consortia.

The centre will be launched in December, in conjuction with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.

The college said it hoped it would become integral in helping GPs and emerging GP consortia develop the skills, competencies and expertise required to deliver effective service development and clinical leadership.

The move comes amid fears over a lack of training among some GPs faced with taking on responsibility for the £80bn NHS commissioning budget.

RCGP chair-elect, Dr Clare Gerada, said: ‘It seems natural for us to extend our support to help GPs and the wider primary care team to develop their capability, especially for the new demands on GPs as commissioners.

‘Our aim is to aid primary care in the creation of efficient and effective systems that will in turn deliver good value for money, and, most importantly, improved patient outcomes.'

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