- What can we learn from other industries and sectors who operate in a partnership model? – For example, how have other partnership models reduced or increased workload? How have other sectors successfully mitigated risk and liabilities for individuals in a partnership?
- How do the evidence and possible solutions differ for GPs at the early, middle and latter stages of their career?
- How do the evidence and possible solutions differ between urban and rural areas?
- What local examples of good practice exist that we could share more widely?
- What role could digital technology and data play in supporting the partnership model? – For example, what more can technology do to support workload management? What support do GPs need to use digital technology and data effectively?
- What do partners, salaried GPs and other staff think are the biggest burdens on their clinical workload, and administrative workload?
- What innovative models have been put in place to help and have they worked?
- How can we best share learning from what has worked to reduce workload burden for partnerships?
- What are the key barriers and motivations for GPs in choosing to enter a partnership role?
- What are the features of other GP career models (e.g. locum, salaried GP) that are attractive to GPs? How could some of these features be introduced into the partnership model to make it more attractive?
- How can the partnership model support more flexible working and portfolio careers?
- How could we better structure and recognise progression through a career in general practice, including progression to partnership?
- What additional support do GPs considering partnership need?
- How does differential pay between partners and non-partners affect the makeup of the GP workforce?
- How can GP partnerships work more effectively with other professionals including pharmacists, nurse practitioners and others, to form more effective multidisciplinary teams?
- How can partnerships support or hinder greater collaboration between primary, community and secondary care?
- How can we encourage and incentivise further working at scale and closer working between practices?
- How do we support general practice to collaborate with other out of hospital services, including community health services and community pharmacy?
- How do we encourage GPs to take up health system leadership roles, within their local communities and at wider levels?
- Why is there currently a barrier to a practice contract (GMS or PMS) being held by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?
- What other business models exist that GP partnerships could take the form of?
- Is there a way to limit the risk to partnerships holding a long term lease? How can the risk of owning a practice building be reduced?
- How can we reduce the personal risk of employing staff, vicarious liability, and personal name and shaming of a GP (rather than the organisation as would happen with a hospital) following adverse Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports or other incidents?
Source: Department of Health