A south London GP known for cycling around council estates to make home visits to patients tops Pulse’s first ever list of local GP heroes.
Dr Mark Ashworth, who is approaching his 30th year as a GP partner in Kennington, has been described by colleagues as ‘epitomising the best of general practice’ and as having an ‘unstinting sense of duty and professionalism’.
Speaking to Pulse, Dr Ashworth said he viewed it as a privilege to have become embedded with his local patients in both a medical and a community role. Click here to read Dr Ashworth’s full profile.
He said: ‘Both roles are a privilege, as is being able to combine them. It feels like good, old-fashioned general practice.’
Also making a list of five local heroes are Bristol-based university GP Dr Dominique Thompson, who has campaigned for the survival of GP practices serving student populations and for improved mental health services for young people; Tower Hamlets GP, LMC vice chair and NHS anti-privatisation campaigner Dr Jackie Applebee; diplomatic Morgannwg LMC vice-chair Dr Ian Harris; and Bristol GP and ‘federating innovator’ Dr Simon Bradley.
Click here to see the full Power 50
Read a full interview with Dr Maureen Baker
How Pulse compiled the Power 50
Who else was nominated for the Pulse Power 50?