The GPC is being urged to push for GPs to be able to charge their registered patients for private services when a treatment is not otherwise available on the NHS.
In a motion to be voted on during the LMCs Conference 2017, GP leaders from City and Hackney LMC have argued that because GPs are independent contractors they should be able to provide private care.
A motion submitted by the LMC states: ’That conference insists that as independent contractors, GPs should be permitted to provide and directly charge their registered patients for treatment not available on the NHS.’
This comes after Pulse revealed last year that Oxfordshire LMC had been having discussions with GP leaders across England and drawing up plans for how their member practices can charge for delivering private work.
Another motion from Hertfordshire LMC tasks the GPC with seeking legal opinion on NHS England’s decision, first revealed by Pulse, to require that all new GP practice contracts are thrown open to private providers.
Motions which are approved after debate at Conference become the mandated position for the GPC in future contract negotiations with NHS England and NHS Employers.
Other motions call for the GPC to:
- Produce a ‘definitive list’ of core work as defined by the GMS contract so that resources can be focused on these;
- Oppose the Government’s £100m plan to have GPs in every A&E department to provide triage;
- Draw up action plans to end ‘anonymous feedback systems’ like NHS Choices, which lead to ‘trolling and cyber-bullying’.
The agenda also includes a now traditional motion stating the profession has ‘no confidence’ in the CQC inspection regime.
This year it calls for more support for practices in appealing their ratings and ensuring inspections are evidence based.
Motions for debate at LMCs Conference 2017
11 LINCOLNSHIRE: That conference requests that GPC advises on a realistic action plan to:
(i) provide appropriate value for money mechanisms to give practices constructive feedback
(ii) stop inappropriate anonymous feedback systems which allow for trolling and cyber-bullying
(iii) ensure feedback and research reports are promulgated appropriately and used to enhance services.
14 WALTHAM FOREST: That conference demands that GPC develops a definitive list of what is included in the core contract to enable practices to focus NHS resources on delivering essential services
21 CITY AND HACKNEY: That conference insists that as independent contractors, GPs should be permitted to provide and directly charge their registered patients for treatment not available on the NHS.
(i) celebrates the hard work and professionalism of colleagues working in emergency medicine
(ii) understands that hospitals are under a great deal of pressure at this time
(iii) demands that the government withdraws its assertion that the overcrowding of A&E departments is due to general practice
(iv) does not support the move to redirect A&E patients to general practice
(v) instructs GPC to oppose the placing of GPs in A&E departments as this will further destabilize primary care
38 HERTFORDSHIRE: That conference mandates the GPDF to seek an expert QC opinion to challenge the notion that only APMS contracts may be awarded when procuring general medical services.
41 MANCHESTER: That conference has no confidence in CQC and agrees the need to:
(i) develop guidance to support and empower GP practices to challenge the process and inspections
(ii) support GP practices through the appeals process
(iii) ensure CQC processes are open and transparent and reduce bureaucracy
(iv) ensure inspections are evidence based and relate to the contract of the practice and what they are commissioned to provide.