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RCGP vice chair resigns

By Ian Quinn

RCGP vice chair and GP commissioning leader, Dr Janet Hall, has revealed she is resigning, due to ‘unforeseen circumstances', less than four months into the role.

In a statement issued via the RCGP press office, Dr Hall said it was with ‘great regret' that she had decided to leave, despite having taken on the role of setting up the RCGP's Centre for Commissioning project.

She said she was ‘disappointed' at not being able to ‘realise the opportunities and potential this role would have afforded me' adding: ‘I have worked with dedication and enthusiasm to establish the Centre and taken every opportunity to further the aims of the College and uphold its reputation.'

Dr Hall, a GP in Sheffield since 1998, had also been organising the RCGP annual conference.

A spokesperson for the RCGP said she was unable to provide any if information about the reasons for Dr Hall's decision to leave the college.

RCGP Chair Dr Clare Gerada said: ‘Janet has been of great support to me, both personally and professionally, and has made an enormous impact, particularly in establishing the College's Centre for Commissioning and planning the programme for the RCGP annual national conference later this year. I am very sorry to see her go.'

Dr Hall and fellow vice chair Professor Nigel Mathers were elected by the RCGP Council and took up their posts in November last year.

Dr Janet Hall

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