GP systems provider TPP has ‘postponed' its controversial policy of offering GPs incentives, including Mark and Spencers vouchers and ‘Tea at the Ritz', in return for hosting demonstrations of its SystmOne software.
Pulse revealed earlier this month that the software firm had resumed its incentive scheme for GPs, despite the Department of Health having been given ‘assurances' the practice would stop.
But TPP said this week it has now shelved the programme ‘until all parties have agreed a way forward', following talks with Connecting for Health and CSC, which supplies TPP software for the GP Systems of Choice framework.
In a statement TPP said: ‘Obviously TPP would not have begun offering incentives as a thank-you for a GP's time, if we were not highly confident that we are not doing anything wrong legally or ethically. That remains our position.'
‘However following recent communication with CSC and Connecting for Health we have postponed the sending of marketing material that offers incentives for SystmOne demonstrations, until all parties have agreed a way forward. There may have been miscommunications in the past about what incentives were offered, when and to whom, but TPP has always been upfront about any promotional incentives that are offered. All parties are now keen to ensure we can agree on ways to advertise and promote our products whilst maintaining our high ethical standards.'
‘In the meantime we will continue to consult with GPs, their staff and any NHS guidelines, in order to gain feedback about the best ways to demonstrate SystmOne to them.'