The BMA’s GP committee is developing new workload guidance for GPs in light of the Bawa-Garba case.
The guidance will offer practical advice on what to do if GPs believe workload is compromising patient safety.
This comes after the GPC released a report on workload earlier this year, which called for a new ‘black alert’ system that would see GPs facing an unsustainable workload divert or cancel all routine appointments.
Dr Zoe Norris, GPC sessional subcommittee chair, who is leading on the guidance, told Pulse that each branch of the BMA is producing their own workload guidance for their colleagues.
She said: ‘For example, the consultants committee have covered what a consultant should do if they are running the acute medical take and believe patient safety is being compromised.
‘Our guidance will look at the issues and appropriate response for GPs working in all the various contractual roles, to try and give some practical examples and advice on raising concerns about patients safety due to workload.’
The consultant guidance details graduated steps to escalate patient safety issues from raising and documenting concerns with the duty manager through to informing the GMC of concerns on the next working day.
A Pulse survey of 900 GPs revealed earlier this year that GPs in the UK have an average of 41.5 patient contacts every day – 60% more than the number considered safe by European GPs.