NHS England has launched a review into the regulations surrounding the GP performers list, in a bid to root out ‘unnecessary burdens, duplication and overlap’.
This comes as Pulse last month reported that GPs were still having trouble and facing long delays in signing up to the English performers list from other UK nations or changing their employment status using the online portal.
In a primary care bulletin sent yesterday (1 June), NHS England said the review, which commenced on 17 May, aims to ‘identify and remove unnecessary burdens, duplication and overlap’ in the system for those working in primary care, fitting under a wider target to reduce bureaucracy across health and social care.
NHS England said the review will be completed by 17 September 2021, with recommendations to be considered in the autumn. However, any proposed changes will be subject to a public consultation.
NHS England said: ‘[The] DHSC has commissioned NHSEI to review the England Medical Performers List (EMPL) Regulations in the context of the wider regulatory landscape in operation across England.
‘This review will identify where regulatory requirements can be streamlined and simplified, while maintaining the high professional standards that ensure patient safety.’
Primary Care Support England (PCSE), which is outsourced by NHS England to private company Capita, took the performers list application process online in 2019 in a bid to simplify it.
However, in that same year, GP Survival said it heard of numerous cases where GPs were being affected by performers list issues, including problems with their pensions and even at times being unable to practise.
if you think england is bad, come to wales !!
i am a gp with 45 years on the clock, in order to work as a gp i have to be on the gmc register, the welsh performers list (not allowed to work as gp in england), and the welsh locum gp register (otherwise state indemnity not available); at the end of every day as a locum i have to log on to said locum website and specify where, and what hours i have worked, and what the duties were. they also “encourage” you to put in numbers of patients seen, and fees you charge – but so far i don’t know anyone who divulges the commercially sensitive information.
not surprisingly, those living near the england-wales border have declined to work in wales, and many have left en bloc. the welsh polititians haven’t seemed to have understood this, and can’t understand why the locum numbers seem to have shrunk so dramatically !
ostrich ? head in sand ?
What level of incompetence from Capita will it take to take back the contract? Or is theirs like many Govt procured contracts devoid of any sanction in the face of non/poor delivery?
Most NHS gimmicks end up in the shredder. NHS should plant some trees.
I qualified in Wales—-did all my house jobs in Wales—–most of my friends including my wife are Welsh—–used to climb Welsh mountains with Welsh girlfriends——even took G.C.E. ‘O’ level Welsh——-but I’m not allowed to work in Wales——-Vid yw’n deg
I’m still waiting for the other “launched” beuracracy dossiers. Baker, Gerada, Stokes-Lampard? Any inside knowledge of that party? By that time, we’d have launched to Mars via some more Puns and Dens and the odd FFT paper aeroplane.
John Graham Munro
i’m the opposite – qualified and did house jobs in england. on welsh performers list, but can’t go to work in england unless on the english performers list.
can’t get on english performers list unless i have job there, or offer of job – but can’t get offer because it takes so long to get approval that any employer just looks elsewhere !
you couldn’t make it up !
Now in Scotland you can opt to be included nationally so you can take opportunities wherever you want to work in Scotland ((however once you’re on the Performers list and licensed to practice, there’s a requirement for regular re-validation and there’s continuous (inc some mandatory modules) training available to keep your skills current and maintain your clinical skills)).
What is the purpose of Performers list ? The whole thing is about 28 pages.