A remote Scottish GP practice has managed to fill its GP vacancy after a two year recruitment saga, which saw four separate recruitment attempts scuppered by a lack of suitable applicants.
Dr Adnan Malik has worked as a locum on the Isle of Cumbrae since April last year, and since taking up the partnership is now looking for a second GP to join him at the surgery in Garrison House, Millport.
The previous GP partners, Drs Jim and Elizabeth Bryson, left the surgery after 27 years following the opening of a community pharmacy which forced the closure of their dispensary that had helped fund a third GP, according to The Herald newspaper.
Dr Malik told The Herald newspaper he had been attracted the remote location and has been warmly welcomed by residents, he said: ‘It is a beautiful place. I like rural places; I am not a city person really. So it was just by luck you could say.’
‘ I came in as a locum only for three months and I quite enjoyed my stay, but after three months the health board wanted to extend it and I was more than happy to do that.’
‘I have been given a lot of love and respect by the people – they have always supported me throughout my stay here. It is a good feeling to be appreciated and accepted by the community.’
Pulse continues to campaign for emergency support for struggling practices and major increases in long-term investment as part of its Stop Practice Closures campaign.