I start the day sorting my emails at 6.55am – just a few at this time of the morning.
By 8am I have arrived at surgery. Other GPs are already well underway, judging by the cries of babies I can hear from behind their doors.
Now the first challenge of the day: log on to NHS net.
By 9.40am I’m on my way to Nunhead, south London, for an alcohol and drug rehab hostel session. I provide GP services to the residents there that need my help and I assess all the new occupants.
Past 11am, and I’m flagging a bit, even though surgery was cut short today. All my prescriptions are done, but telephone calls are still waiting and I have a home visit to attend to later. But first I head off for a meeting on work and health.
Then it’s off to another meeting as part of my NHS London responsibilites, and then I’m back to surgery – that’s seeing patients not cutting!