By Gareth Iacobucci
Our roundup of health news headlines on Wednesday 9 June
'Risk for babies born week early', says the front page of the Daily Mail, which reports that babies born only a week early are at higher risk of a host of serious health problems from autism to deafness.
The Telegraph reports that a senior nurse was effectively left 'in charge of a hospital at night', giving out powerful painkillers which killed three patients, because of a catalogue of management failures, according to the results of an enquiry.
In The Times, we read that the number of people admitted to hospital for heart attacks has dropped by an average of 100 a month since the introduction of the smoking ban in England.
It seems nurses are spending only a third of their time with patients, because of our old friend Mr Bureaucracy, according to the Telegraph, who have an interview with Mr B's nemesis, the health secretary Andrew Lansley.
The Mail reports that an NHS trust clamped 1,700 cars in just one year, making a cool £1.8m car park profit. Nice work if you can get it.
And man flu exists!, shouts the Mail excitedly. The paper can't wait to tell us the news that half of men will upgrade a common cold to flu and describe headaches as a migraine to gain maximum sympathy. No mention of whether symptoms are particularly acute during the World Cup though…
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know, and we'll update the digest throughout the day.
Daily Digest