By Gareth Iacobucci
Our roundup of the news headlines on Wednesday 14 April.
Civil servants 1bn expenses bellows the front page of the Mail, which angrily reports the news that Civil servants charged a total of £1bn for taxi rides, restaurants and hotels to state credit cards.
The Telegraph and other papers report on research, published in Lancet Oncology, which shows men with prostate cancer are at greater risk of potentially fatal blood clots.
Elsewhere, new Cochrane research – reported in the Mail - suggests that aspirin is the best way of combating painful migraines.
The Mirror reports that a young child with leukaemia was misdiagnosed as having trapped wind by a foreign doctor working at an out-of-hours service.
The Mail is in a particularly cheerful mood today, as it brings us the news that ‘a generation of children could die before their parents due to an epidemic of preventable diseases'.
And on a lighter note, The Sun is very excited to tell us that a Viagra-style pill for women could soon be a reality. Apparently, researchers have uncovered a substance that increases female sexual arousal, increasing their chances of ‘The Big O'.
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know and we'll update the digest throughout the day...
Daily Digest - 14 April 2010