The Daily Mail continues its series on nurses with a front page splash claiming 80,000 UK students are turned away from training as nurses every year. According to the paper, the Government has been cutting training places in recent years falling from 20,829 in 2009/10 to 17,219 in 2012/13, to go up again last year to 19,206.
Over on The Telegraph, police unveil their new ‘drunk tanks’ which will be treating those having too many Christmas tipples. The £5.5m scheme being rolled out across Britain will see drunk people treated in 10 65ft-long rolling ‘Alcohol Recovery Centres’ rather than A&E.
Worried about skin cancer? Don’t become an airline pilot. According to new research, which looked into why pilots seemed to have a higher risk of developing the ailment, a pilot flying at 30,000 feet in a typical small aircraft for one hour is exposed to the same level of ultraviolet A (UV-A) radiation as if they had spent 20 minutes on a sunbed, writes the Independent.