A single gene mutation could increase women’s risk of developing ovarian cancer by 300%, according to researchers at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.
The Telegraph reports that one in every 1,000 women is estimated to carry the mutated BRIP1 gene, which increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer from 1.8% in the general population, to 5.8% for those carrying the gene.
Professor Paul Pharoah, from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, said they hoped this early research ‘could eventually form the basis of a genetic test to identify women at greatest risk.’
The Independent reports that Scotland’s newest and most expensive trust – the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – is reporting the worst A&E waiting times in the country.
Health ministers admitted the Glasgow hospital was under ‘substantial increased pressure’ after just 75% of patients were seen within the four hours of attending A&E, well below the 95% target set by the Government.
The hospital has been beset with problems since it opened in April last year, but health secretary Shona Robinson said of the new figures: ‘This first week of the year came after a four-day public holiday and we know that also impacts on performance the following week.’
And finally, as part of its ‘This is the NHS’ month long exploration of the health service, The Guardian will spend 24 hours today liveblogging on paramedics and ambulance crews at an NHS 111 call centre in Ashford. This follows yesterday’s live blog from a GP group in York and Hull.