The BMA has reassured GPs that concerns about new network DES proposals are being heard ‘loud and clear’ and these will form the ‘basis’ of its contract negotiations with NHS England.
In a statement issued today, the chair of the BMA’s GP Committee said the organisation was reviewing GP feedback and it would ensure the final versions of the network specifications ‘are fair and appopriate’.
Detail of the negotiations are confidential at present but BMA officials are reassuring GPs that they are listening to doctors on the ground.
The BMA will negotiate and agree on the proposals with NHS England before networks are expected to fulfil the seven service specifications from April onwards.
Concerns were first raised over NHS England’s proposals for primary care networks when it was revealed GPs will have to carry out fortnightly care home visits.
LMCs have gone on to question how far the draft proposals will affect the stability of GP practices with some saying there should be ‘outright rejection’ of the proposals.
BMA GPC chair Dr Richard Vautrey said today: ‘General practice continues to be under a huge amount of pressure and we hear the concerns raised by the profession in recent weeks about these draft specifications, the workload implications and the need for a qualified workforce to deliver them, loud and clear.
‘While the content of negotiations is confidential, the profession should rest assured that we are listening to doctors on the ground, reviewing their feedback and this will form the basis of talks with NHS England to ensure that the specifications are fair and appropriate before they are agreed.
‘In turn, we would urge as many clinical directors, GPs, practices and LMCs as possible to raise concerns directly with NHSE to ensure their voices are heard.’
NHS England released the draft proposals at the end of December and asked practices for feedback on the specifications by 15 January.