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New care model plan contains ‘no detail’ on GP involvement, grassroots warn
GP pilot set to test if earlier home visits reduces admissions
14:25 A big story in the Mail and the Telegraph bashes GPs for refusing to refer suspected cancer patients because they are fearful of recriminations from commissioning bosses, and of upsetting patients.
The study by Birmingham University found that many were afraid of being viewed by health bosses as having a high referral rate and were ‘reluctant’ to send patients to hospital if they had any doubts they had cancer.
However, this was based on interviews with only 18 GPs and 12 practice managers from practices in the Birmingham area. Ho hum.
9:20 A study by researchers from University College London have found that a quarter of teenage girls believe they are suffering from depression.
The Telegraph, among other papers, report on the study that tracked 10,000 teenagers and found widespread emotional problems among today’s youth, with misery, loneliness and self-hate rife.
Around 9% of boys reported such problems, but parents felt they had seen such symptoms in 12% of boys, according to the study, published with the children’s charity the National Children’s Bureau (NCB).
Pulse reported last week that more than a quarter of CCGs have underspent their mental health budget for 2016/17.