The BBC led its health news over the weekend with the repercussions from the CQC’s announcement that is was reviewing indicators.
It said that GPs were ‘disgusted’, and had told the BBC that their reputations had been ‘tarnished by incompetence’.
Sir Mike Richards, chief inspector of hospitals for the CQC, told the BBC that the regulator will make the practices who were wrongly categorised ‘a big apology’. He added: ‘This only became apparent when we ran the data on the thousands of practices rather than just the hundreds that we tested them on.’
Over at the Daily Mail, a drug for advanced prostate cancer has been licensed for use earlier in the disease, limiting the need for chemotherapy
It reports that new datat shows that Enzalutamide can delay the need for chemotherapy by 17 months.
It cuts the risk of the disease progressing or death by more than three-quarters compared with ‘dummy’ treatment.
Finally, the BBC reports on a study showing that text messaging could help people remember to take the medicines they have been prescribed, say researchers.
A test scheme, which involved heart patients, cut the numbers who forgot or just stopped taking their pills.
One in six was helped to continue their treatment, reducing their risk of heart attack and stroke.