The Green party has promised to increase the NHS budget by ‘at least’ £6bn every year until 2030 in its election manifesto.
The party pledged a 4.5% increase to the 2018/2019 NHS budget by raising the funding by a minimum of £6bn per year.
The manifesto said: ‘This will constitute a programme of sustained investment, bringing spending of health services in the UK up to northern European averages.’
Other proposals included improving mental health provision where patients can access ‘fit-for-purpose’ services ‘within 28 days’ and providing tailored care particularly for LGBT+, BME, children and adolescent communities.
The party also pledged to repeal the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and invest a further £1bn a year in nursing higher education, which will reinstate the nursing bursaries.
Additionally, the Green Party has said it will funnel funding into creating new community health centres, which focus on preventative healthcare.
The Liberal Democrats recently pledged to end the shortfall of GPs by 2025 through maintaining freedom of movement and training more GPs.
Last week, the Labour party promised £2.5 billion investment into the primary care estate, while the Conservatives have pledged to put 6,000 new doctors into general practice by 2024/25 in a bid to create 50 million more GP appointments.