Hammersmith and Fulham CCG will ‘welcome’ the application to be a single network by Babylon GP at Hand, Pulse has learned.
The CCG has considered all the primary care network criteria and DES contract requirements and evaluated that a GP at Hand individual network is ‘the best fit’ within North West London.
GP leaders are ‘dismayed’ at the CCGs decision and have the view that a GP at Hand network ‘does not meet the national negotiated criteria’ with regards to the geographical boundaries.
A spokesperson for Londonwide LMCs said: ‘Londonwide LMCs was dismayed to be advised today that following discussion with NHS England, Hammersmith and Fulham CCG “would welcome” an application from Babylon GP at Hand to manage a pan-London primary care network (PCN).
’We remain of the view that the Babylon GP at Hand position does not meet the nationally negotiated criteria regarding the geographical contiguity of these new networks; a point made in the recently published independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand, conducted by Ipsos Mori.’
The spokesperson said the matter has been formally escalated to GPC for further action.
They said: ‘We look to NHS England and GPC, who agreed the new national PCN DES contract and the establishment of PCNs, to consider how such an out of specification application should be dealt with. In particular, this must be done with no detriment to practices, and their patients, who most definitely do meet the nationally negotiated criteria.
‘Both the local LMC and Londonwide LMCs will continue to work within our remit of supporting practices in Hammersmith and Fulham by working with them via the PCNs they have formed, or to consider how non PCN practices might work with those PCNs, and with the CCG.’
NHS Hammersmith and Fulham CCG told Londonwide LMCs: ’Having considered the various criteria for the PCN registration and DES contract requirements, the consensus within NWL is that the best fit would be for the Babylon GP at Hand practice to consider an application to be its own individual network.
’This will enable the CCG to ensure maximal compliance with the PCN criteria and meet the needs of the Hammersmith and Fulham patient population and given the unique nature of the Babylon GP at Hand patient distribution and the associated impact this will have on the PCN operating model, this will help ensure the best balance for all of the registered practice populations.
’The CCG would therefore welcome an application to this effect which would be likely to be endorsed at ICS level.’
A Babylon spokesperson said: ‘On behalf of our patients and staff, we are delighted that a Babylon GP at Hand network is being welcomed by commissioners. This is a significant step towards delivering the digital-first aims of the NHS Long Term Plan.’
Recent Primary Care Commissioning Committee meeting papers stated that the CCG was unable to decide whether to confirm Babylons network application.