The Independent says adopting a high-fibre diet, common to millions in rural southern Africa, could dramatically lower the risks of bowel cancer in the west, a diet-swap study has found.
The study saw 20 Americans switching diet with 20 South Africans and researchers saw dramatic effects on bowel cancer risk indicators after just two weeks, with significantly reduced colon inflammation in the US participants.
Professor Jeremy Nicholson, the study team leader from Imperial College London said: ‘What is really surprising is how quickly and dramatically the risk markers can switch in both groups following diet change.’
Researchers at the University of Cambridge followed more than 25,000 participants aged 40 to 79 for 11 years and identified that sugary drinks significantly increased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Lead author Nita Fourouhi said: ‘Our new findings on the potential to reduce the burden of diabetes by reducing the percentage of energy consumed from sweet beverages add further important evidence to the recommendation from the World Health Organisation to limit the intake of free sugars in our diet.’