An IT system supplier is to restore QOF prompts after GP practices warned they might be missing opportunities to engage with patients.
Pulse revealed in December that software suppliers, including Vision, EMIS, TPP and Microtest, had removed system prompts where patients had failed to respond to two invitations for care.
In a leaked email at the time, NHS England said it intended to amend the rules governing QOF to make it clear that practices should continue to be prompted if a patient had not responded to two email invitations for care.
TPP has now confirmed to NHS Digital that it will reinstate QOF prompts for exception reporting so that GPs can be alerted where patients need care coming under the QOF, according to the BMA.
In a bulletin issued last week, the BMA said TPP will bring the prompts back in February.
It said: ‘Following the concerns raised by practices about the loss of opportunistic prompts following the roll out of the QOF changes in 2019, TPP have confirmed to NHS Digital that they will add a status flag to the patient record which will alert practices to the fact these patients may be missing QOF care as part of their roll out of V44 of the QOF business rules.
‘This will be implemented in the next two weeks. NHS Digital will explore whether additional functionality can be added to V45 of the QOF business rules to ensure that the two invitation PCA will only come into force at the end of the reporting period i.e. 31 March.’