The RCGP is reviewing the future of a number of job roles, with 26 posts up for redundancy.
The posts affected by redundancy include three heads of department, 10 managers, 12 administrative roles and one member of staff working in a technical capacity.
It has launched a 30-day redundancy consultation, but would not confirm how many jobs are affected nor whether it was related to the current coronavirus crisis.
RCGP staff said the timing of the consultation, during the global pandemic of coronavirus, is ‘incredible’ and has ‘alienated’ the workforce.
In a consultation document released this week, the RCGP said it had ‘specific financial pressures’ due to expenditure increasing annually by 4.1%. while income having risen by an average of 1.9% a year, over the past five years.
It said the RCGP had ‘significant, fixed commitments’ it had to meet in the near future, including loan repayments and closing its pension scheme deficit.
It said: ‘The college has specific financial pressures. Over the last five years, expenditure has increased by 4.1% a year on average, whilst income growth has averaged 1.9%.
‘The college has significant, fixed commitments over the medium term both for loan repayments and to close the pension scheme deficit.
‘Staffing represents a significant proportion of our cost base and over the past year we have worked hard to reduce our staffing costs, through robust recruitment controls, not replacing people when they leave, and a significant reduction in the use of agency workers. However, we need to do more.’
A member of staff at the RCGP, who asked not to be named, told Pulse: ‘This proposal has alienated the whole workforce because it’s been done in the middle of a global pandemic.
‘This is not in line with the values of the organisation, which are supposed to be based on care and compassion. People are really upset they’ve done it at this time because it’s amplifying the impact of Covid-19, by affecting their physical and mental health.
‘It’s incredible they’ve chosen this time to do it – we don’t work for a bank, we work for the Royal College of General Practitioners.’
RCGP chief operating officer Dr Valerie Vaughan-Dick said: ‘The college has launched a 30-day consultation with our staff on the future of a number of roles.
‘It would be inappropriate – and unfair on individuals – to comment further while this consultation is ongoing.’
The consultation on the proposals began on 19 March and will close on 24 April.