TOWARDS A STRONGER NHS - The spotlight will be on primary care to reform the NHS from within
The ICC, Birmingham
01 & 02 November 2011
Following the success of this year's NAPC annual conference, we plan to make 2011's event even bigger, more inspiring and more informative than the last. We are excited to announce the two-day event is expanding into a larger venue, the Birmingham ICC, a state-of-the-art conference centre. This bigger conference reflects the increased stature of primary care within the NHS as GPs prepare to take on immense new powers as commissioners of £80 billion of NHS resources – as well as taking over the difficult role from NICE of rationing NHS drugs.
The theme of the conference will be a call to action for GPs to embrace their new role as drivers of NHS reform and to get the mechanisms in place to ensure success. Once again, delegates will be offered a stimulating mixture of plenary sessions as well as the choice of three parallel streams running across both days. We have invited key figures from the NHS, local authorities and the private and third sector to educate, inform and inspire. Through a varied programme of presentations, discussion and debate, delegates will hear innovative ideas and practical advice on how GPs can use their new commissioning powers successfully to drive through change and to ensure the NHS becomes more efficient, more productive and stronger than ever. It will not be an easy journey – speakers will highlight the challenges along the way – but the key to success will be ensuring effective joint working across professional boundaries, in particular with local authorities, to ensure efficient, cost- effective services that have quality at the heart. The Government demands it and the future survival of the NHS depends on it.
Who Should Attend?
- GPs
- Practice managers
- PCT leads wanting a role in the new consortia
- Local authority workers
- Public health workers
- Commissioners of social care
Key conference topics include:
- Update on Government policy
- Advice from the trailblazers on forming successful GP consortia
- How to ensure your practice is part of a consortia by 2012
- How to forge co-productive joint working relationships with local authorities, social care and public health – counteracting the new autonomy of local authorities
- Working with the private and third sector
- Tips on how to become cost-effective commissioners of quality services and the consequences of failure
- What role should GPs play in public health?
- How best to tackle the NHS drugs rationing role transferred to GPs from NICE
- GPs' dual role as rationers and patients' advocate – is it possible to avoid conflict?
- How GPs can avoid looking like scapegoats for Government belt-tightening
- Innovative ideas for tackling long-term conditions and making efficiency savings
- How your practice can survive and thrive during the lean times
- Identifying opportunities presented by GP commissioning for individual practices and capitalising on them
A. Practice Business & Finance
B. Joint Working across Professional Boundaries
C. Forming Successful Consortia
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NAPC Annual Conference 2011