By Gareth Iacobucci
Our roundup of health news headlines on Wednesday 15 September.
The Independent is one of a handful of papers to focus on new research from scientists, which suggests that a single blood test for prostate cancer in middle-aged men can predict those at highest risk of dying from the disease, potentially saving thousands of lives a year.
The news that public sector workers are paid more on average than those in the private sector makes plenty of headlines today, including the front page of the Telegraph, which is only too happy to sharpen its claws with the headline ‘myth of the underpaid public worker'.
The figures from the Office for National Statistics found that full-time public sector staff earned an average of £74 a week more than those in the private sector. When employer pension contributions were factored in, the gap rose to £136.
The Daily Mail reports Facebook and the internet can apparently ‘re-wire your brain', according to an eminent scientist. It has yet to emerge whether this re-wiring manifests itself in unhealthy stalking of ex-partners and people you went to school with, but we have our suspicions.
Elsewhere, page 19 of The Mail carries the wonderful headline of ‘I went to bed with a migraine and woke up with a French accent'. We've all been there, haven't we..?
Kay Russell, 49, has been diagnosed Foreign Accent Syndrome, which - contrary to popular belief - isn't a new disease dreamt up by scientists at Daily Mail HQ, but is in fact a condition which damages the part of the brain that controls speech and word formation. Oui oui.
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know, and we'll update the digest throughout the day...
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