The NHS has spent billions of pounds covering the medical bills of expats and tourist abroad, the Sunday Express says. In three years the hard up NHS has spent over £2 billion on medical bills abroad but has failed to re-coup even half of the money back from EU countries for treating their patients. Strangely, the NHS also pays Ireland £300 million to treat Irish citizens in Ireland.
The Daily Telegraph reports that ministers have been privately advised to allow hospitals to fail in order to speed up reforms being pushed through by the Government. Prime Minster David Cameron will today announce plans to end the ‘state monopoly on public services'. Mr Cameron wants to give individuals and local communities the opportunity to take control of more budgets and commission services under the payment by results initiative. This could mean however services which are failing could fold with no Government intervention.
The Daily Mail reports today that a woman's risk of post-natal depression increases if she has a caesarean section during labour. The paper also says the risk is even higher if she opts to have the procedure. Researchers believe it is due to the time it takes to recover from the procedure and a loss of control at delivering the baby.
Most of us want to shape up and kick our bodies into gear, but a new study has revealed that one in five Britains start a new diet once a month. According to the Mail, 22 per cent of men and woman start a diet every month and 36 per cent shop for low calorie food in the supermarket.
It might be low calorie, but does that mean it has to taste like cardboard? Well, the paper also reports that replacing salt with ‘yummy' seaweed granules can help cut the risks of high-blood pressure, strokes and early deaths.
For all the men and women out there hoping to banish a few wrinkles in the quest to look ten years younger, you're about become extremely jealous. The Daily Telegraph reports that neurologists who treat sufferers of migraines say Botox injections can help people who suffer chronic attacks. They are pushing for it to be offered on the NHS, which means there could be a lot more glamorous grannies and freshened up thirty-year-olds going around.
And finally, the funny speech is normally the biggest responsibility the best man has at a wedding - but that's not the case for one Stuart Kilgannon, 38. The Daily Mirror reports today that Stuart really is living up to his job description - by donating one of his kidneys to the bride-to-be.
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know in the comments below and we'll update the digest throughout the day...