Scientists have been spooked by a new finding that superbugs may have become resistant to the last strain of antibiotics.
According to BBC News, the world could be on the cusp of a ‘post-antibiotic era’, where common bacterial strains like e-coli and the bacteria causing pneumonia are as deadly as they were several centuries ago.
Not living by our biological sleep clock is causing metabolic diseases such as diabetes, researchers have said.
A study of US adults found that people with a greater mismatch between their rising time on days off work and their socially imposed rising time during the working week had highers cholesterol levels, larger waists, were more insulin resistant and had a higher body mass index, reports the Telegraph.
Dr Patricia Wong, of the University of Pittsbugh in the US, said: ’Social jetlag refers to the mismatch between an individual’s biological circadian rhythm and their socially-imposed sleep schedules.
’However, this is the first study to show that even among healthy, working adults who experience a less extreme range of mismatches in their sleep schedule, social jetlag can contribute to metabolic problems. These can contribute to the development of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.’
More than half of stillbirths could be avoided if maternity units got better at listening to the concerns of pregnant women and carried out ‘basic tests’, writes the Telegraph.
The study by UK researchers comes as the Government has pledged to crackdown on high mortality rates among mothers and infants, the paper reported.