Pulse’s survey findings on statins, which show that nearly 60% of GPs are against NICE plan’s to lower the 10-year risk threshold for offering statins for primary CV prevention to 10%,make the front page of the Daily Express today.
‘Millions more need statins according to experts… but GPs fight plans,’ the paper’s headline blazes. But GPs’ views get a fair hearing in the article and our very own editor, Steve Nowottny, is quoted: ‘These survey findings show a majority of grass roots GPs feel the new draft guidance is a step too far.
‘The fact that more than half would not take statins based on a 10% risk threshold suggests doubts over the clinical evidence.’
Elsewhere, Labour wants patients to care for themselves instead of bothering the NHS, the Telegraph reports this morning.
The party would give NHS patients more support to self-manage long-term conditions such as asthma, arthritis and diabetes to help them avoid costly hospital visits, leader Ed Miliband has written in a editorial for the paper.
He writes: ‘The challenges of today demand we put more power in the hands of patients. And, far from using up scarce resources, these changes are essential if the NHS is to survive and improve in an era of tough fiscal restraint.’
Finally, confirmation GPs should definitely avoid reading the Daily Mail, as the BBC reports on research showing angry outbursts massively increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.
In a study of thousands, Harvard School of Public Health researchers found the risk of a heart attack increased nearly five-fold, and the risk of stroke more than three-fold, in the two hours immediately after an angry outburst.
Apparently the risk is cumulative and worse the more intense the rage.
Lead researcher Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky said: ‘Although the risk of experiencing an acute cardiovascular event with any single outburst of anger is relatively low, the risk can accumulate for people with frequent episodes of anger.’
Doireann Maddock, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘It’s not clear what causes this effect. It may be linked to the physiological changes that anger causes to our bodies, but more research is needed to explore the biology behind this.
‘The way you cope with anger and stress is also important. Learning how to relax can help you move on from high-pressure situations. Many people find that physical activity can help to let off steam after a stressful day.’