Read the full results of our rationing survey of GPs
Respondents = 237 GPs
Over the past year, has the pressure on you to ration NHS treatments/services in your daily practice
Become much worse – 43%
Become somewhat worse – 45%
Remained the same – 11%
Reduced somewhat – 1%
Reduced a lot – 0%
Does rationing of NHS treatments adversely affect the doctor-patient relationship?
Yes – 75%
No – 16%
Don't know – 9%
Does local rationing of NHS treatments adversely affect patient care?
Yes – 68%
No – 16%
Don't know – 16%
Have you encountered rationing of the following services?
Child mental health services – 30%
Hernia repairs – 40%
CBT – 50%
Bariatric surgery – 70%
Cataract surgery – 28%
Hip and knee surgery – 48%
Has your practice experienced rationing in any of the following areas?
Patients referred back to GP because they have missed hospital appointments – 89%
Hospitals over emphasising the risks or hazards of surgery – 31%
Do you struggle to get patients to guideline recommended targets because of local rationing decisions?
Yes – 38%
No – 38%
Don't know – 24%
Over the past year, have you had to switch patients to a less effective therapy due to local rationing guidelines?
Yes – 43%
No – 46%
Don't know – 11%
In which of the following areas would you support greater rationing?
Rationing treatments if a patient's lifestyle may affect the outcome e.g. smoking – 43%
Patients who DNA regularly having to pay for appointments – 71%
Charging for GP appointments – 34%
Limit on the number of GP appointments per year before patients have to pay – 30%
Limit on the number of A&E attendances per year before patients have to pay – 38%
Raise threshold for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease – 19%
Make patients pay for follow-ups after private treatment/screening – 44%
Less people eligible for free prescriptions – 49%
Have you experienced more patient appeals for an exceptional cases panel over the past year?
Yes – 53%
No- 34%
Don't know – 13%