Nearly 50 executives at NHS England earn more than the prime minister, sparking a row over pay in the health service, the Guardian reports.
A total of 28 senior personnel at NHS England earn in excess of David Cameron’s £142, 500 salary.
NHS England chief executive Sir David Nicholson, who is due to retire next March, earns the most – £211,249. Five executives earn over £180,000, including Prof Sir Bruce Keogh, the high-profile national medical director, who takes home £190,000-£195,000.
A total of 291 earn over £100,000 a year, meaning that almost one in 20 of the organisation’s 6,115 staff earns at least a six-figure sum.
The Telegraph reports that more than 10,000 NHS managers have seen their pay rise by 13 per cent in four years, with increases last year at three times the rate for nurses.
Official figures show that last year, pay for senior managers rose by almost 2%, while average nurses’ earnings rose by just 0.6%, while health visitors took a cut of 0.3%
Dr Peter Carter, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said the figures will be ‘extremely demoralising’ for nurses struggling to pay bills after two years of a pay freeze, and a 1% rise his year.
He said: ‘We are hearing time and again from nurses who are struggling to keep their heads above water financially as their pay falls far behind inflation, and finding out that already well paid senior staff are enjoying these pay rises will be extremely demoralising.’
Thinking of getting a facial? The Daily Mail bring us the latest craze - snail slime cream. Yes that’s right, face cream containing the mucus excreted by snails as they move.
Sales of Snail Gel have almost tripled in the UK in just two months, after friend of Katie Holmes said she used such a product.
This follows the arrival of snail slime facials at a salon in Corby, Northamptonshire, last month. They involve having specially farmed creatures slither up and down your face.
Their mucus is said to contain a cocktail of proteins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid which removes dead cells, reduces inflammation and helps skin retain moisture.