Our round-up of the health headlines on Monday 13 June.
With Professor Steve Field's report for the NHS Future Forum due out today, prime minister David Cameron has called an emergency meeting of 143 recently-elected Tory MPs in a bid to head off a rebellion over his u-turn on the NHS reforms, according to the Daily Telegraph. Lib Dems, meanwhile, are claiming victory.
Also in the Telegraph is a story about plans to undertake the world's first successful uterus transplant. A 25-year-old Swedish woman who was born without reproductive organs is due to undergo the procedure. Her own mother is the donor.
Ben Goldacre's Bad Science column in The Guardian points to a BMJ study which uses statistics about 13 million patients to show that longer A&E waiting times are linked to a greater risk of mortality. Researchers found a correlation between the average A&E waiting time at each hospital and the odds of patient death after discharge.
Women are three times more likely than men to suffer migranes, and a new study reported in the Guardianl provides evidence that three genes may be responsible for the condition.
Meanwhile, a survey for Diabetes UK, reported in the Guardian, suggests that almost a million British people hide their condition, and deliberately miss blood tests or insulin injections to maintain secrecy.
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know, and we'll update the digest throughout the day...
Daily Digest