Working as a nurse in a Welsh A&E department is more stressful that working in a warzone, a nurse who previously served in a field hospital during the second Iraq war has said.
A harrowing account by a senior ward nurse at Cardiff’s University of Wales Hospital leaked to the South Wales Echo reveals staff are under huge pressure and seeking to ‘offload’ patients to other hospitals.
One account from the nurse’s letter, originally read out to the local health board, accounts how a young woman suffered a miscarriage while waiting to be seen in A&E.
The Government must do more on preventing complications from diabetes to help alleviate the financial burden on the NHS and growing numbers of avoidable deaths, Diabetes UK has said.
The BBC reports around 10% of the NHS’s budget goes on diabetes care but largely on managing, rather than preventing, complications. The charity says just 41% of people with type 1 diabetes are receiving all their annual checks recommended by NICE.
Barbara Young, Diabetes UK chief executive, said: ‘It’s about people getting the checks they need at their GP surgery and giving people the support and education they need to be able to manage their own condition.’
And finally, doctors and other professionals who are regularly working more than 48 hours a week are at an increased risk of developing a harmful drinking habit, the Guardian reports.
A study of more than 400,000 individuals, published in the BMJ today, found that those who worked 49 to 54 hour weeks were 13% more likely to develop ‘risky’ drinking behaviours than those on a 35 to 40 jour week.
Risky was defined as ‘more than 14 units per week for a woman or more than 21 for a man – the threshold linked to cardiovascular disease and mental illness’.