Practices in Milton Keynes will only have urgent, on-the-day appointments between Christmas and New Year this winter, to ensure patients who need to access a GP over the holiday period can do so.
NHS Milton Keynes CCG said it has also commissioned extended access appointments which are available through NHS 111 to try and alleviate pressure on urgent care services.
The majority of practices in the area have committed to stick to only urgent appointments, and many have also done this in previous years, the CCG said.
A spokesperson said: ‘The CCG is requesting that the week between Christmas and New Year practices have only urgent, on the day appointments available to ensure that patients who require to see a GP are able to access primary care. The CCG also has extended access appointments.’
‘This has been put in place to try and alleviate pressure on all urgent care services.’
BMA GP Committee chair Dr Richard Vautrey said: ‘Many practices already do this between Christmas and New Year but it is up to practices how they ensure they provide appointments for their patients.’