Satisfaction rates in GP services in Wales have increased, a new Government survey has revealed.
The 2018/19 National Survey for Wales found that 93% of people are satisfied with the care they receive from their GP, up seven percentage points from last year’s survey.
The news comes after the Welsh Government announced a new set of standards for practices in response to falling satisfaction with services – with the previous survey showing a decline in satisfaction with GP services from 90% in 2016/17 to 86% in 2017/18.
The latest survey included responses from 12,000 people on multiple topics such as health, education and the environment. The results are then used by the Government and other organisations to help them with decision and policy making.
Welsh NHS Confederation interim director Nesta Lloyd-Jones said: ‘It’s positive to see a significant increase in satisfaction rates for GP care in Wales and also an increase in satisfaction rates for hospital treatment in this year’s results. The results emphasise the fact NHS staff at all levels are committed to making sure that all patients receive the high standards of care and deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.
‘Everyone working within the NHS in Wales should be proud of these results, particularly at a time when the system is transitioning from an acute service to a wellness service, and from hospitals and into our communities. Over the last year we have seen innovative care models piloted across Wales which are helping to improve the care we can provide. These results should provide further motivation to make these initiatives the norm and available to everyone in Wales.’
She added: ‘However, it is also crucial we do not take our eye off the ball. Yes, these results are positive and should be celebrated, but we must continue to work to make improvements on every level, including making care more accessible for patients.’
The latest British Social Attitudes survey revealed patient satisfaction in GPs dropped to record low levels since 2007, falling three percentage points to 53% in 2018.
GP leaders stressed the ‘intense resource and workforce pressures’ facing general practice and noted public satisfaction could have been far lower if it weren’t for the hard work of GPs and their teams.