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GPs urged to record today’s workload for Pulse’s survey

GPs from across the UK are being urged to describe the daily workload pressures they face in a major new snapshot survey being launched by Pulse today.

In our first ever GP workload survey, which will be accessible from 6.30pm tonight on Pulse’s website, we want GPs to log information about their day, including:

  • hours scheduled to provide clinical care
  • hours spent providing clinical care
  • hours spent on non-clinical work
  • number of patient contacts
  • number of types of contact (face-to-face, phone, video, online questionnaire, home visit, care home)
  • level of clinical complexity
  • number of contacts booked on / before the day

Pulse wants to capture these details to highlight conditions GPs are currently working under – and because this data is not available elsewhere.

We also want to hear first-hand accounts from GPs about workload pressures being experienced throughout today, so we can publish them as they’re happening.

Make sure to stay in touch with us using #GPworkload on Twitter – or by emailing us on [email protected] – so we can feature your comments.

Pulse editor Jaimie Kaffash said: ‘Without doubt, workload is the biggest issue facing GPs across the UK. Yet not enough has been done to provide a true reflection of the extent of this workload.

‘With this survey, we want to demonstrate to commissioners and decision-makers a snapshot of a typical working day in general practice, and ask them what they intend to do about it.

‘So please keep an eye on the website throughout today, and make a note of your working day. We can’t achieve this without your input.’