The BMA is urging GPs to show their support for the day of industrial action on public sector pensions by wearing badges and stickers carrying a message of support for striking staff and donating to local strike funds.
New guidance by the BMA confirms that doctors ‘must attend work as normal' on the day of strike action planned for 30 November, after the BMA ruled out balloting members on joining industrial action. The guidance instead outlines ways that doctors can provide indirect support for the protest against the Government's planned NHS pensionsreforms.
The BMA said it will issue GPs with campaigning materials in due course and also gives doctors the green light to join protest meetings held during lunch breaks or ‘rest periods', providing that doctors do not breach ‘contractual restrictions', such as a responsibility to be on-call.
The guidance states: ‘The BMA is recommending a range of campaigning and lobbying activities to show your support. We will be distributing campaign materials and tools directly to you nearer the time.'
‘On the day of action you must attend work as normal. You must also take great care to ensure that, whatever you do you do not breach your contract of employment.'
Ways the BMA is calling on GPs to support pensions protests:
- Wearing campaign items, such as stickers, carrying a message of support – and encouraging colleagues, family and friends to do the same
- Considering donating to a local strike fund, where these exist
- Helping to raise awareness amongst all doctors of the unfairness of the Government's approach and what they can do, through meetings and social media
- Writing to local media to make sure they have the real facts and impacts.
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