Repeated dieting leads to increased risk of osteoporotic fracture in older women, a Norwegian study finds.
In the first study to look at the effect of dieting on fracture risk, researchers analysed data from 27,000 study participants over a 15 year period.
Participants filled in questionnaires detailing the number of episodes of dieting they recalled and had an x-ray was performed by a radiologist.
They found women aged over 46 years who recalled losing more than 11kg had a 68% increased risk of fracture, with the risk rising with increased weight loss. No correlation was found in men.
Study lead Dr Anne Sogaard, an epidemiologist from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, said: ‘Maintenance of a stable weight, which reduces the necessity and attempts of dieting, may have beneficial effects on fracture risk.'
Osteoporosis International, 2012, online 7 February