GPs have heaped pressure on the GMC by voting unanimously that revalidation must not go ahead without adequate arrangements for remediation that fully cover all types of GPs.
Representatives at the annual LMCs conference also poured scorn on the GMC for its 'total lack of leadership' on the issue, as GPs made their feelings known ahead of the planned introduction of revalidation next year.
The motion insisted that revalidation 'must not go ahead without proper arrangements for remediation which are no more burdensome for GPs than for other doctors', and 'proper arrangements for all types of GPs, including sessional and prison GPs'.
It also called for any process to be 'simple, sensible and non-threatening', and 'not result in any increase in GMC fees for GPs'.
GMC council member Professor Malcolm Lewis told LMCs at the conference yesterday that disagreements over remediation ‘shouldn't be a delaying factor' for revalidation, as the majority of GPs would not need such support.
Dr Andrew Green, chair of East Yorkshire LMC, who proposed the motion, accused the GMC of showing 'shocking complacency'.
Dr Green said: 'There has been a total lack of leadership by the GMC, and shocking complacency shown in front of us yesterday to say remediation and revalidation are not the same thing.'
‘Revalidation needs to work for all of us. If it isn't fair for all doctors it isn't fit for purpose.'
The vote came after the GPC had encouraged GPs to back the motion, with GPC negotiator Dr Dean Marshall saying it was 'unacceptable' to push ahead when arrangements were not in place for all doctors, including sessional GPs.
Dr Marshall said: 'The GMC are shirking their responsibility to sort this out. They are clearly not getting the message.'
‘It was an incredibly unfortunate comment that it will only apply to a few doctors. It is completely unacceptable. The GMC has made a complete and utter hash of this.'