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Search Results for: covid test

Advice and guidance to drive referrals crackdown

NHS England has set targets to reduce referrals, but GPs are warning this could hit their workload, says Rachel Carter ‘Advice and guidance’ (A&G) has been around since 2015, when the choose and book service was revamped with the introduction of electronic referrals.

25 November 2021

Face masks to be recommended in GP practices until ‘at least’ spring

Recommendations for wearing face masks in GP practices will not be lifted before spring next year at the earliest, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has said.

23 November 2021

NICE: Antidepressants should not be first-line treatment for ‘less severe’ depression

New NICE draft guidance has recommended that GPs do not routinely offer patients with ‘less severe’ depression antidepressants as the first line of treatment.

23 November 2021

Government to launch review into pulse oximeter racial bias

The Government has announced that it has commissioned a review into the health impact of possible race and gender bias in medical devices, including pulse oximeters.

22 November 2021

BMA concerned about timing for NHS app patient record access rollout

The BMA has written to NHSX expressing concerns about plans to allow patients to access their GP record via the NHS app from next month.

19 November 2021

BMA rolls back on commitment to release GP ballot results

The BMA has ‘no immediate plans’ to share the results from its ballot of GPs regarding industrial action with its members, despite previously saying results would be announced by today.

19 November 2021

Tower of strength

Tower Hamlets in east London is a leading light in primary care innovation.

18 November 2021

RCGP disputes Javid’s claim poor GP access is increasing A&E pressures

The RCGP has said it is ‘not aware of any evidence’ showing that more patients are going to A&E departments because they cannot reach their GP.

12 November 2021

GP practices to receive equipment and training for winter child oximetry

GP practices will receive 4,000 pulse oximeters bought by NHS England to support child oximetry and help GPs assess children with respiratory conditions over the winter.

05 November 2021