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Search Results for: covid test

Over 80% of patients had ‘good’ GP experience during pandemic

More than eight in ten patients (83%) had an overall ‘good’ experience of their GP practice this year, the NHS’s latest GP patient survey has revealed.

08 July 2021

MHRA updates Pfizer and Moderna vaccine information over rare heart inflammation

The UK regulator has updated safety warnings for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after ‘extremely rare’ reports of myocarditis and pericarditis.

08 July 2021

NHSE bosses admit GPs working ‘well beyond’ pre-pandemic levels

NHS England has said GPs are delivering ‘well beyond’ pre-pandemic activity levels and are busier than ever – at the same time as it prepares to introduce a target on GP appointments.

08 July 2021

What does a GP do when they lose their patience?

Reports that a GP has literally downed tools and quit his role have rocked the region of Greater Manchester.

06 July 2021

Big Brother’s big data grab: GPs caught up in patient records controversy

A new system for extracting patient records has been postponed until the autumn, but GP anxieties about privacy, data security and liability remain, find Nicola Merrifield and Awil Mohamoud As a former home secretary, Sajid Javid may know more than most about sensitivities around the state and people’s right to privacy.

02 July 2021

BMA meets with health minister urging autumn PCN services be delayed to 2022 

The BMA has met with a health minister to call for a further delay to the introduction of new primary care network (PCN) services that are due to begin from this autumn, citing the additional workload pressures they will bring.

02 July 2021

Stop. Collaborate and listen

Covid has shown us the devastating results of not involving primary care in wider decision-making at an early stage.

01 July 2021

A message to our new health secretary, from a beleaguered GP workforce

Dear Sajid Javid, The health portfolio is a proven political graveyard.

30 June 2021

The 130,000 will be Hancock’s legacy

Something I realised when compiling our 60th birthday issue last year is that every health secretary has at some point been called the worst ever, and Matt Hancock is no exception.

30 June 2021