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Search Results for: covid test

‘No need to delay lockdown beyond 19 July,’ says Javid

The health secretary has said there is no reason to delay reopening beyond 19 July in the first statement to Parliament in his new role.

28 June 2021

What is in Sajid Javid’s in-tray?

Covid The middle of a pandemic is not the ideal time to be changing health secretaries (but probably not the best time to be having a non-socially distanced affair, either).

28 June 2021

Pulse PCN: Seat at the ICS table

As the changes in the upcoming Health and Care Bill filter through the NHS, PCNs ready themselves to ensure they have a strong collective voice and can seize the opportunity to shape care for their populations by engaging with integrated care systems (ICSs).

25 June 2021

PPE for primary care


25 June 2021

GPs should give vaping advice as part of quit smoking attempts, NICE says

GPs and other healthcare professionals should offer advice on vaping as a way to help patients stop smoking, according to draft guidance from NICE.

25 June 2021

BMA warns ‘limited’ Pfizer and Moderna supply will delay vaccination programme

The BMA has said it is ‘concerned’ that ‘limited availability’ of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines could cause a delay to the vaccination programme.

23 June 2021

NHS Digital gave GPDPR opt-out deadline ‘in error’; says GPs must set own dates

GPs, as data controllers, must set their own deadlines for patients to opt out of the impending mass extraction of GP data, NHS Digital has said.

22 June 2021

GPs should prepare for ‘50% rise’ in children’s respiratory viruses next winter, says NHSE

NHS England has told GPs to prepare for a rise in cases of respiratory viruses among children of up to 50% compared with pre-pandemic levels.

21 June 2021

GPs must ‘jointly manage’ elective care backlog with hospitals, says NHSE

GPs and hospitals must ‘jointly manage’ patients stuck in the backlog of care caused by the Covid pandemic, NHS England has said.

18 June 2021