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Search Results for: covid test

NHS assessing Babylon AI triage for wider rollout

Exclusive NHSX and NHS England are considering the viability of a wider roll out of an artificial intelligence triage model based on that used by Babylon, Pulse understands.

04 June 2021

Working Life: Mentoring primary care workers in rural Nepal

Dr Helen Wehner on working as a GP mentor in a Nepalese village in early 2020 7am I’m woken by the movement of two auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs).

04 June 2021

Airline requests for mask exemption letters risk ‘distraction for GPs’

Some airlines are still asking travellers exempt from wearing a face mask to obtain a medical certificate, with the BMA warning patient requests will distract GPs as overseas travel increases this summer.

03 June 2021

NHSE: GP practices to ‘urgently restore’ spirometry despite BMA guidance

New guidance commissioned by an NHS England task group has said that GP practices should restore spirometry services ‘as a matter of urgency’, against BMA advice.

03 June 2021

GPs condemn contradictory F2F guidance from NHSE and PHE

New Public Health England (PHE) guidance has said that GP practices should use virtual consultation ‘where possible’, contradicting recent NHS England orders.

03 June 2021

Paying the price for your success

Today, the Government has put out an announcement heralding the success of the Covid vaccination programme.

02 June 2021

‘Not yet safe’ for GP practices to allow walk-in patients, says BMA

Many GP practices are ‘not yet safe’ for walk-in patients due to unsuitable reception areas, the BMA has said.

02 June 2021

Informing public of impending patient data extraction ‘must not be left to busy GPs’, RCGP warns

The job of informing the public about the impending mass extraction of patient data ‘must not be left to busy GPs’ while they are in the midst of ‘extreme workload pressure’ and focusing on the Covid pandemic, the RCGP as said.

01 June 2021

GPC lobbying MHRA to remove 15-minute observation period after Pfizer jab

The BMA’s GP Committee is lobbying the MHRA for the removal of the requirement to observe patients for 15 minutes after vaccination with the Pfizer Covid jab.

01 June 2021

Time to pull the plug on e-consults

I’m at a disadvantage here, given that I’m writing in the past and you’re reading in the future.

01 June 2021